Users of social media can consume a wide range of subjects and information, including pornography.Pornography usage as well as the difficulties linked with this sort of content have increased over time, particularlyamong teens. Now, another sort of pornographic content is popular: child pornography (CP). Controlling online CPhas always been a difficult task for the international community. The introduction, growth, and use of information andcommunication technologies coincide with an increase in illegal activities. In terms of cyberspace, children’s hugeonline presence as well as the emergence of CP as a business compel all governments to enact tough legislation andunite worldwide to combat this issue. Is social media assisting in the dissemination of this content? To understandthis issue further, a study conducted in 2021 using Telegram data on the consumption of CP followed by a series ofanalyses show Telegram’s potential effect on the spread and consumption of this type of content
Recommended Citation
Packeer, Shafran and Kannangara, D.T.V
"Detection of pedophilia content online: A case study usingTelegram,"
Iraqi Journal for Computer Science and Mathematics: Vol. 3:
2, Article 7.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.52866/ijcsm.2022.02.01.007
Available at: