The exchange of data is not limited to personal text information or information about institutions and governments, but includes digital mediatransferredvia the Internet includingeverything, whether texts, images or videosandaudio, or animation.These media need high-security protection and high speed during its transmission from one site to another. In this study, a new methodis suggestedfor hiding a gray-level image within a larger color imagebased on theproposed steganography mapthatmergedchaoticfunctionand randomize function. The size of the chaos and randomize functionsis16 bytes. Experimental resultsobtained a successful method based on mean squarederror, signal-to-noise ratio,peak signal noise rate, embedding capacity, entropy, and histogram. This method can rapidlyhideandextractciphertext inand fromthe gray image. The original image and the stego image are difficult to distinguish because the correlation between themis very close to 1,indicatingthat attackers cannoteasily differentiate these imageswith the naked eye. This conditioncansuccessfullyhide information on the Internet.
Recommended Citation
Al-Amri, Rusul Mansoor; Hamood, Dalal N.; and Farhan, Alaa Kadhim
"Image Steganography Based on ChaoticFunction andRandomize Function,"
Iraqi Journal for Computer Science and Mathematics: Vol. 4:
1, Article 9.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.52866/ijcsm.2023.01.01.007
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