In today’s highly competitive business environment, organizations need to collaborate with strategic partners to provide high quality services at lower costtomaintain theireffectiveness and efficiency. Hence,the concept of Supply Chain Management (SCM)emergedto effectively coordinate and manage financial, physical,and information activities within organizations andamong all participating external parties. Qualitative and quantitative factors must be consideredin SCM toensuresustainable development. The research investigatesthe metricsand criteria influencing the process of selecting an Internet service provider (ISP) from 2001 to2022to assessthe extent to which these factors have met the requirements of current decision-makers. It is appropriate to conduct a literature review in light of the changes in the purchasing process and determine its suitability for choosing an ISP. A comprehensive literature review of 51 articles published duringthe above period was conducted to ensure coverage of the latest ISP selection criteria. The results indicatea decline in the importance of criteria related to cost and pricesand an increase in the importance of criteria such asquality, reliability, and performance,as evidencedbytheir repeated mentionin the literature
Recommended Citation
Naji, Mohammed; Thiruchelvam, Sivadass; and Khudari, Mohammed
"An investigation of Internet Service Provider selection criteria: A systematic literature review,"
Iraqi Journal for Computer Science and Mathematics: Vol. 4:
4, Article 13.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.52866/ijcsm.2023.04.04.013
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