Few routing protocols designed for wireless sensor networks (WSN) have been adopted for commercial use in today's technology. This is because when designing the protocols, there is a need to trade-off some features to improve others, but for some designs, these compromises are deemed adamant especially when resources are constrained. An Ideal sensor node is expected to have a small code size capable of coordinating communication activities with the least energy possible. This survey studies some energy-efficient location-based routing protocols that were proposed over the years, with a key interest in factors influencing energy utilization, as it is the most important challenging feature in wireless sensor networks. Other features looked at include the routing process, scalability, strengths, and limitations of the protocols. The inferences on each protocol's energy efficiency and scalability were based on some of the features inherent to the protocol's design. Furthermore, a classification based on path selection strategy for the surveyed location-based routing protocols was presented. This study aims to help researchers make better suggestions when deciding which location-based routing protocol to use, as they are the most explored and forecasted protocols of the future due to their ability to adapt to changing topologies. The study also highlighted open research directions for new protocol designs.
Recommended Citation
Qadori, Huthiafa Q.; Umar, Idris Abubakar; and Khalaf, Mohammed
"Exploration of Energy Efficient Location Based Routing Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks,"
Iraqi Journal for Computer Science and Mathematics: Vol. 5:
4, Article 27.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.52866/2788-7421.1220
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