Volume 3, Issue 1 (2022)
Original Studies
Spectral CG Algorithm for Solving Fuzzy Nonlinear Equations
Mezher M. Abed, Ufuk Öztürk, and Hisham M. Khudhur
Proposed New Framework Scheme for Path Loss in Wireless BodyArea Network
Israa Al_Barazanchi, Yitong Niu, Haider Rasheed Abdulshaheed, Wahidah Hashim, Ammar Ahmed Alkahtani, Elika Daghighi, Zahraa A. Jaaz, and Shihab A. Shawkat
On Differential Subordination and Superordination for UnivalentFunction Involving New Operator
Mustafa I. Hameed, Buthyna Najad Shihab, and Samaila Bello
Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm in the Hopfield NeuralNetwork for Agricultural Soil Fertility Reverse Analysis
Hamza Abubakar and Abdullahi Muhammad
Detecting the Speaker Language Using CNN Deep LearningAlgorithm
Fawziya M. Rammo and Mohammed N. Al-Hamdani
Blockchain-Technology-Based Solutions for IOT Security
Israa Al-Barazanchi, Aparna Murthy, Ahmad Abdul Qadir Al Rababah, Ghadeer Khader, Haider Rasheed Abdulshaheed, Elika Daghighi, and Yitong Niu
Sentiment Analysis using Optimised Feature Sets in DifferentFacebook/Twitter Dataset Domains with Big Data
Mohammed Ibrahim Al-mashhadani, Kilan M. Hussein, Enas Tariq Khudir, and Muhammad lyas
Vertex and region colourings of planar idempotent divisor graphsof commutative rings.
Mohammed N. Authman, Husam Q. Mohammad, and Nazar H. Shuker
Survey of Intrusion Detection Using Deep Learning in the Internetof Things
Baraa I. Farhan and Ammar D. Jasim
Properties of Chmielinski-orthogonality by using Kadets-Kleeproperty
Saied A. Jhonny and Buthainah A. A. Ahmed
Economic Order Quantity in a Fuzzy Environment for a PeriodicInventory Model with Variable Demand
K Kalaiarasi, H Mary Henrietta, M Sumathi, and A Stanley Raj
Saadaldeen Rashid Ahmed, Zainab Ali Abbood, hameed Mutlag Farhan, Baraa Taha Yasen, Mohammed Rashid Ahmed, and Adil Deniz Duru
Has the Future Started? The Current Growth of ArtificialIntelligence, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning
Maad M. Mijwil, Karan Aggarwal, Sonia Sonia, Abdel Hameed Al-Mistarehi, Safwan Alomari, Murat Gök, Anas M. Zein Alaabdin, and Safaa H. Abdulrhman
Fuzzy Soc-T-ABSO Sub-Modules
Saad S. Marie and Hatam Y. Khalaf
Review of Mathematical Modelling Techniques with Applicationsin Biosciences
Ahmed Hasan Alridha, Ahmed Sabah Al-Jilawi, and Fouad H. Abd Alsharify